The first night that we were in Strasbourg we walked through the city and I was mesmerized by the window at
Declinaison Chocolat. Little did I know that it would be a window that we would stop by to stare at often and it's contents would catch my attention often. The window was fantastic and simple and the chocolates inside were simple and exquisite.

A close up of the marroon glacee, which were all over Europe at this time of year, and the chocolate Christmas Tree. Each layer was a different variety of chocolate topped with a variety of fruits and dried nuts.

The packaging for the holidays was unbelievable. I ended up bringing home some chocolate for some friends from here and was desperate to be able to bring it home in this gorgeous packaging. Unfortunately this packaging was totally impractical for packing!!

The most interesting thing that they had in the shop was "Foie Gras au Chocolat". It was 25 euros and at the time I felt it was a bit to pricey for a whim tasting, but I wish that I had bought it now. It looked awesome and totally interesting. In the regrets list, put "not trying Foie Gras au Chocolat". Oh well, next time.....
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